Game Day: Saturday, March 5, 2022

We start our spring 2022 game day schedule with a set of games at Quest Park on Saturday, March 5.

Game day notes:

  • Uniforms:  We’re wearing our yellow uniforms for all games. We’ll use practice vests to distinguish teams in the intra-Academy game.
  • Cool weather / label warm-up items:  We may have chilly weather for the 9:00 AM game warm-up. Girls may want to wear a warm-up jacket and pants during warm-ups, and a long sleeve shirt under their uniform shirt during the game. (Undershirt color preference:  yellow if possible, white as the next choice, black as 3rd choice.)
  • Game day #1 notes:  It’s our first game day since November. It’s absolutely normal for the girls to start off with lots of energy but little purpose. If so, we encourage you to be patient and give them time to settle into their games. Links:
  • Warm-up captains:  Girls whose names are in bold print with a (C) indicator are warm-up captains. They are responsible for gathering their teammates and helping the coaches start pre-game warm-up. Link:  warm-up ideas

Game Day: 2022-03-05

If you are using a small-screened device, you may need to horizontally scroll to see details of all four games.
Location:Quest Park #7AQuest Park #7AQuest Park #7AQuest Park #7A
Warmup:8:30 AM9:45 AM11:00 AM12:15 PM
Kickoff:9:00 AM10:15 AM11:30 AM12:45 PM
vs:intra-AcademyCobb FCNTH SmyrnaNTH Smyrna
Game format:5v55v55v55v5
Hoitink (C)
Lancaster (C)
Hecht (C)
Patel, Le
Brown (C)
Stephens (1)
Patel, Li
Stephens (2)(C)

Dribbling moves of the month:

We practice dribbling moves (changes of direction or fake changes of direction finished with a burst of speed) very often. Our current emphasis is on three types of dribbling moves:

All of the above moves are aimed at helping a player keep the ball when under pressure, instead of dribbling into an opponent or teammate (what we call “bones & shin guards”).

These moves rely on ball manipulation, not wizardly body fakes or foot fakes. Some of our players use these moves in games (often with success), but the majority of players either forget them come game time, or lack the confidence to try the moves.

Parents, you can help with your daughter’s development! The key is to take the mindset of being your daughter’s training partner, not her coach. For example, start by asking her about her favorite dribbling moves, or which ones she wants to improve. Then take a ball into the back yard or garage and have her show you. You’ve now opened the door to a productive “fun with a soccer ball” session.

Texas Draw!

We encourage you and your daughter to spend 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a week to review moves, and then play games (such as Texas Draw or Snow Cones) that reward the use of dribbling moves. (Sisters and brothers are welcome to join in!) You don’t need past soccer experience of your own, just some time and energy. We’re confident that both you and your daughter will have fun, and your daughter will gain skill and confidence!

Snow Cones: a twist-off turnCheck the above links for descriptions and demo videos of the moves and games. Most of the activities can be done in small spaces, such as a 10-yard square. If you’d like a personal demo of a move, or want more details about a dribbling game, feel free to check with your coach after an upcoming practice.