7v7 prep session #2 preview: Sunday, October 10, 2021

By | October 9, 2021

Sunday, October 10:  7v7 practice / prep session preview:

We’ll play the 5v5 format for the majority of our games. But we’ll also have a few 7v7 format games on larger fields.

Our regular weekday practices are well-suited to help the girls prepare for 5v5 play, but they aren’t as conducive to preparing for 7v7 play. So we’ll have three Sunday 7v7 practice / prep sessions during the fall:  September 19, October 10 and October 24. These sessions will start with 7v7 walk-throughs, and build to 7v7 scrimmages against our NTH Marietta U9 sister group. We’ll only roster a portion of our player pool for each of the 7v7 prep sessions.

Link:  Sunday, October 10 7v7 prep roster (posted Sunday, October 3)