Fall season practices start Monday, August 12, 2019

By | August 9, 2019

Fall 2018: first UQP practiceFall 2018: first MNP practiceWe start regular fall 2019 season practices the week of August 12.

Our practice schedule matches those of recent seasons:

MondaysUnited Quest ParkUQP field 75:30 - 6:45 PM
TuesdaysMetro North ParkMNP "TOPS" field5:00 - 6:15 PM (through October 15)
4:45 - 6:00 PM (starting October 22)
optional goalkeeper training, 6:10 - 6:45
WednesdaysUnited Quest ParkUQP field 75:30 - 6:45 PM
optional goalkeeper training, 6:55 - 7:30
ThursdaysMetro North ParkMNP "TOPS" field5:00 - 6:15 PM (through October 17)
4:45 - 6:00 PM (starting October 24)

Before we get started, please take 5-10 minutes with your daughter to review our practice session guidelines:  what to wear (and what not wear, for example, earrings and jewelry), what to bring, and so forth.

  • Please label backpacks, balls, water bottles and warm-ups:  We ask each family to take a few minutes to customize their daughter’s soccer backpack and label her ball, water bottle and warm-up jackets and pants. This will prevent lost and found angst.
    • Backpacks:  Link:  customization ideas for backpacks.
    • Balls:  Use a Sharpie to mark your daughter’s first initial and last name, or initials and uniform number.
    • Water bottles:  Apply a unique sticker, or write initials and uniform number with a Sharpie.
    • Warm-ups:  Use a Sharpie to note initials and uniform number on internal tags / labels. Or you can have her initials and uniform number embroidered on the warm-ups.

Which / how many practices to attend?

We ask the girls to attend two sessions each week. For most players, these will be the two sessions at their home park. If a player has a schedule conflict with a session at her home park, or wants to attend an extra practice, she’s welcome to attend a session at the other park, no reservation needed. We’ll make sure she feels welcome!

Bad weather procedures:

Rain itself isn’t a problem, but waterlogged fields, lightning or unsafe driving conditions due to storms can affect our schedule. We generally practice in cold weather as long as the wind chill doesn’t drop below 20 degrees. (Link:  tips on cold weather attire). For info about how we deal with bad weather, please check our weather link.

Goalkeeper training:

We offer optional goalkeeper training sessions once a week at each park starting the week of August 19. These are 35 minute sessions after one of our regular Junior Academy training sessions. Any player who is interested may attend. There’s no cost for these sessions.

Fall 2019 Game Day schedules:

Game Day: September, 30, 2017We’ll start weekly regular season game days the weekend after Labor Day. We’ll finish the weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. We normally receive our game day schedules in late August.

Link:  game day procedures and guidelines

Schedule conflicts:

Please let us know as early as possible about any game day schedule conflicts, including conflicts with travel related to Cobb or Cherokee school systems’ fall break weeks. (E-mail to Ward is the preferred method.) We can work around most conflicts as long as we know about them by the weekend ahead of the game day.