No practice? No problem! Week 1 play at home ideas

By | March 15, 2020

The Coronavirus has put a sudden halt to our regular soccer activities. This will result in lots of kids spending extra time at home.

Can they sit on the couch, drink root beer and watch rasslin? Sure! But they can also take some time to play or practice on their own. This is a hidden-in-plain-sight method for getting better quickly! Some of the ideas below require yard space, but most can be done in really small spaces, even indoors.

Week 1 play at home ideas (March 16-22):

Here are several ideas for playing at home. We’ll post a new set each week. Each topic has a link to descriptions and demo videos. The games call for two or more people, but the foot skills work just fine with one player by herself. If you’e a ruler and zip through this week’s activities and want more, check our Playing At Home page.

electric fence - changing directionGames:

  • Electric fence:  A 1v1v game that encourages the attacker to use tricks such as changes of direction, fake changes of direction, and changes of speed. Best played in a 15 x 10 yard space.
  • Snow cones:  Similar to electric fence, but the defender has more freedom to win the ball. Best played in a 15 x 15 yard space.
  • Shintago:  A fun and quick game that helps develop trickiness, quick feet and alertness. Can be played in a small space, even indoors.
  • Texas Draw:  Another fun, quick game that focuses on the pullback turn and alertness. Can be played in a small space, even indoors.

Foot Skills:

  • Fast footwork pattern:  triangles. There are easier triangles (the 2-footed “pull” version) and harder triangles “reverse” and “1-footed” versions). We have video demos of all types. We posted a new video for the “pull” triangle Sunday night, and hope to post updated videos for the more challenging triangles during the week. Can be practiced in a small space, even indoors.
  • V-pull moves:  ball manipulation moves that work at any level of play. Can be practiced in a small space, even indoors.

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